concerts 2014 in USA :
Nov-05, Chicago, "European Jazz Meets Chicago", USA
Nov-07, Cambridge MA, workshop @ MIT Music & Theater Arts, USA
Nov-08, Cambridge MA, Red Star Union, USA
Nov-12, Ann Arbor MI, Kerrytown Concert House, USA
"Polish clarinetist Waclaw Zimpel has visited Chicago in groups led by locals such as Ken Vandermark and Keefe Jackson, but this time he brings his own working quartet from Europe. He’s one of the most contemplative and lyrical players in improvised music, and on last year’s Stone Fog (Fortune) his tenderness shines through most magnificently on the three pieces he composed. The other tracks are group improvisations, and on those five pieces his resourceful, nuanced band (pianist Krzysztof Dys, bassist Christian Ramond, and drummer Klaus Kugel) conjures a similarly dramatic, moody atmosphere, transplanting into a free-jazz setting some of the brooding intensity and pin-drop dynamics of the classic Miles Davis Quintet with Wayne Shorter"
-- Peter Margasak, Chicago Reader, 5th of November 2014
Unfortunately the concerts in the USA could only be performed in duo by the polish part of the band, Waclaw Zimpel and Krzysztof Dys.
The two german musicians, Klaus Kugel and Christian Ramond, were not able to do it as the Consul of the USA in Frankfurt refused their B1 visa application and found them ineligible for a nonimmigrant visa.
[ more details here: ]
Klaus Kugel and Christian Ramond would have appeared through the support of the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, the music dept. of the headquarter of the Goethe-Institut in Munich, the Adam Mickiewicz Institute Warsaw and the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago.
From July to September 2014 STONE FOG was one of the featured CDs in Germany's "ARD Radiofestival".
"Stone Fog can be a challenging listen at times, but it's a challenge well worth taking."
- by Dan Bilawsky, All About Jazz [article: "Four Artists Of The Jazz Clarinet Renaissance"], September 2013, USA
"This is a studio date and the sound is superb, warm and perfectly balanced. Mr. Zimpel plays the often difficult to play alto clarinet and gets a great sound on it. I hadn't heard of the pianist or bassist here, but all four musicians are great. The opening song by Zimpel, "Cold Blue Sky", is slow and elegant sounding. The interplay between the clarinet and piano and rhythm team is consistently outstanding, often with that edge-of-your-seat exhilaration as well as some more spacious moments. This is yet another stunning disc from the consistently great For-Tune label!"
- Bruce Lee Gallanter, DMG, NYC, USA
"There’s a compelling new release out from clarinetist Waclaw Zimpel. Stone Fog alternates between delicate expressions of a peaceful state and volatile bursts of unbounded motion. And it’s the way in which those two polar extremes feed off one another that makes this a winning album."
- by Dave Sumner, November 2013, USA
" ... this is excellent music from start to finish, performed with passion and masterly ability, by all four musicians involved. The rhythm section provides exceptional backing, moving swiftly between almost swing to free form, Dys on piano spreads layers of twisted harmonic structures and Zimpel, as usual, plays the role of the of Hamelin's Pied Piper, snake charmer and a Hassidic Klezmer, all in one."
- Adam Baruch, May 2013, Poland

"Zimpel's name goes straight into the list of European jazzmen that gave new life to clarinet and bass clarinet, continuing Dolphy's example: Surman, Sclavis, Trovesi, and the like."
- Francesco Martinelli, Point Of Departure, USA
"Polish composer/clarinetist Wacław Zimpel is one of the most promising musicians from the European continent."
- Eyal Hareuveni, All About Jazz, USA
" ... Ramond and Kugel ... is an excellent rhythm section, that quietly turns in an exhilarating performance. Everything is terrifically balanced, from the song structures to the interaction. Collective motion is electric: a charging, spasmodic swing rises up from all sides." - Greg Buium, Coda Magazine, Canada
past concerts
April-18, Berlin, Jazzkeller 69, Germany
April-19, Poznań, Dragon, Poland
April-20, Warszawa, Laboratorium CSW, Poland
April-21, Gdynia, Ucho, Poland
April-23, Wroclaw, Collosseum Jazz Cafe, Poland
May-23, Warszaw, New Jewish Music Festival, Poland
June-05, Łódź, Klub Galeria, Poland
June-20, Bukarest, Green Hours, Romania
Oct-24, Erfurt, Jazzmeile Thüringen, Germany